Kaos Couple
Harga Kaos Couple: Rp. 140.000,- / Sepasang
Harga Kaos (PE) Premium : Rp. 160.000,- / Sepasang
Harga Kaos (PE) Premium : Rp. 160.000,- / Sepasang
Harga Kaos (PE) Topi : Rp. 170.000,- / Sepasang
Harga Set (Baju dan Celana) : Rp. 250.000,- / Sepasang
Size: Allsize. Size setara dengan cowok L dan cewek M
Detail Size:
cowok --> panjang: 73cm. lebar 47cm
cowok --> panjang: 73cm. lebar 47cm
cewek --> panjang: 66cm. lebar dada 41cm. lebar 45cm
Bahan: Cotton Combad 30s (seperti kebanyakan bahan kaos yang di gunakan untuk distro pada umumnya)
Berat Sepasang Kaos Couple: 0.25kg
Berat Sepasang Kaos Couple: 0.25kg
SMS : 0853 8037 1818
Klik Pada Gambar Untuk Memperbesar
set salur biru (baju dan celana 250rb) | set love cross (baju dan celana 250rb)
PE topi working class ijo | PE topi working class putih
PE topi working class ungu
PE topi salur combo
PE topi vegans merah | PE topi vegans putih
PE combo polos hitam | PE combo polos merah
PE heineken combo
PE USA flag
angry bird maching | angry bird yellow
ayah bunda abu | ayah bunda hitam
ayah bunda putih | bonito relax hitam
bonito relax merah | bonito relax putih
emot big hug
emot big smile & angry | emot devil & angel
emot devil
emot party
emoticon bb biru | emoticon bb hitam
emoticon bb putih
golden knife
heart wings combo
i love you biru | i love you coklat
i love you ijo | i love you kuning
i love you merah | i love you ungu
jogja in love biru | jogja in love coklat
jogja in love ijo | jogja in love kuning
jogja in love merah | jogja in love ungu
keren abiez putih
lebaran biru | lebaran ijo
lebaran putih
love panah hitam
love panah merah | love panah putih
lupa daratan ungu
never dies combo
one love onlyou hitam | one love onlyou merah
one love onlyou putih
pattonkan roial abu | pattonkan roial hitam
pattonkan roial putih
rabbit cry biru | rabbit cry coklat
rabbit cry ijo | rabbit cry kuning
rabbit cry merah | rabbit cry ungu
scream now hitam
scream now putih
someone biru | someone coklat
someone ijo | someone kuning
someone merah | someone oren
sorry kelilipan biru
star kid abu | star kid hitam
star kid putih
topi hati hitam | topi hati putih
you say biru | you say coklat
you say ijo | you say kuning
you say merah | you say oren
angel devil icon biru | angel devil icon coklat
angel devil icon ijo | angel devil icon kuning
angel devil icon merah | caplin biru
caplin coklat | caplin ijo
caplin kuning | caplin merah
caplin ungu
jogja in love hitam | jogja in love putih
love jogja hitam | love jogja putih
love on hitam | love on putih
mas & mba bro hitam
mas & mba bro putih
mickey hand ijo | mickey hand kuning
mickey head biru | mickey head coklat
mickey head ijo | mickey head kuning
mickey head merah | mickey head oren
mickey miss you biru | mickey miss you coklat
mickey miss you ijo | mickey miss you kuning
mickey miss you merah | mickey miss you oren
one wish hitam
one wish putih
play & rec biru | play & rec coklat
play & rec ijo | play & rec kuning
play & rec merah | play & rec ungu
sweet love biru | sweet love coklat
sweet love ijo | sweet love kuning
sweet love merah | sweet love ungu
tahanan cinta ijo | tahanan cinta merah
2 be one putih
PE doraemon blue
be a man & girl hitam | be a man & girl putih
donald & dessy hitam | donald & dessy putih
gatot kaca soulmate abu muda | gatot kaca soulmate abu tua
gatot kaca soulmate coklat | gatot kaca soulmate hitam
gatot kaca soulmate kuning | gatot kaca soulmate merah
gatot kaca soulmate putih
him & her v abu muda
him & her v abu tua
mickey head hitam | mickey head putih
mickey phone hitam |mickey phone putih
mur & baut v abu muda
best space hitam
boneka love her biru | boneka love her ijo
combro & misro hitam | combro & misro merah
combro & misro putih
love arrow ijo | love arrow kuning
madeli brand biru tua
madeli brand putih
spain vintage putih
ngel true love kuning
babe rinne abu muda | babe rinne putih
babe rinne abu tua | babe rinne hitam
doraemon soulmate abu muda
doraemon soulmate hitam | doraemon soulmate putih
for my love ijo
for peace abu muda
for peace abu tua
for peace hitam
for peace putih
love bows kuning muda | love bows pink
love cross line abu
love inside ijo
paul frank combo colour
paul frank icon abu muda | paul frank icon hitam
push love heart oren | push love heart kuning
smile casper abu muda | smile casper abu tua
smile casper hitam | soulmate flowers biru
soulmate flowers kuning | soulmate symbols ijo
soulmate symbols coklat | soulmate symbols oren
soulmate true love ijo | soulmate true love kuning
soulmate true love ungu
star green abu muda | star green abu tua
star green hitam | star green putih
tazmania ijo | tazmania ungu
gender colour kuning | gender colour oren
gender colour pink | gender seven lucky putih
key heart kuning muda
only you love hitam | only you love putih
she love owns me hitam
she love owns me kuning | she love owns me pink
skull poser kuning | skull poser merah
skull poser ungu | tears with love hitam